" Right means 'correct' as well as the oppisoite of 'left' while left in Latian is 'sinister,' which has come to meant 'evil'; the Irish word ciotage, used to discribed left-handed people, also means "a very strange person"; the Portuguese word for a left handed person, canhoto, also refered to the devil at one time, and canhestro means 'clumsy' in Mandarin..." (TC, 32)
This paragraph just stood out to me, one because I found it funny but also because 'Left-Hand' is in the title of the new and interesting book we are reading in class. Left means all these crazy, different thing than what i think of when I see people write left handed, or do anything with their left hand, but i thought it was humorous in the book just because the book is so far from my normal style of reading, that the book just seemed to be very left handed, not 'sinister' or anything just very strange and it took me a bit to get into it.
I wonder if Ursula Le Guin wrote left handed???
You can also follow this link to findout more....I thought it was pretty cool...
How does this connect to the Left Hand of Darkness? Why is it the _left_ hand of darkness?